

[1] n. Curry (Gewürzmischung)
[2] n. Currygericht
[3] n. Fleischgericht
[4] v. striegeln, zurichten

[ 'kɚɪ ]

   curry 例句 Source: Tatoeba
  1. Tom likes hot curry.
    Tom mag scharfes Curry.
  2. The curry at this restaurant is good.
    Das Curry in diesem Restaurant ist gut.
  3. This curry is too hot.
    Dieses Currygericht ist zu scharf.
  4. This curry is too hot to eat.
    Das Curry ist zu scharf; das kann ich nicht essen.
  5. Curry and rice is my favorite dish.
    Curry mit Reis ist mein Lieblingsgericht.
  6. 查看更多 ...


 m./n.  Z


[1] curry, curry powder, seasoning which is made from a combination of tumeric and other spices

Substantiv, m, n

Kasus Singular 1 Singular 2 Plural
Nominativ Curry Curry Currys
Genitiv Currys Currys Currys
Dativ Curry Curry Currys
Akkusativ Curry Curry Currys


Cur·ry, Cur·rys
IPA ˈkœʀi, ˈkœʀis
Hörbeispiele: ,

   Curry 例句 Source: Tatoeba
  1. Curry mit Reis ist mein Lieblingsgericht.
    Curry and rice is my favorite dish.
  2. Tom mag scharfes Curry.
    Tom likes hot curry.
  3. Der Curry war sehr köstlich.
    The curry was very delicious.
  4. Ich aß oft Curry in Japan.
    I often ate curry in Japan.
  5. Das Curry war gar deliziös.
    The curry was very delicious.
  6. 查看更多 ...