

[1] n. 蜂蜜, 甜蜜, 爱人
[2] adj. 蜂蜜似的, 甜蜜的, 甘美的
[3] vt. 加蜜使甜, 对...说甜言蜜语
[4] vi. 说甜言蜜语, 奉承
[5] [化] 蜂蜜
[6] [医] 蜂蜜

[ 'hʌni ]

   honey 例句 Source: Tatoeba
  1. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart.
  2. "Honey, quick, quick. There's this website called Tatoeba that's auctioning its sentence collection for a cent each! They've even got special offers like buy 100 sentences and get 1 free!" "Ah great! now people collect sentences as a hobby?! What's the world coming to!"
    "親愛的,快,快。有個名為Tatoeba的網站正在拍賣它的句子收藏一句每一分錢!他們甚至有個優惠像是買一百句送一句!" "啊太好了!現在人們收集句子當作嗜好?!這是什麼世界來著!"
  3. "Honey, come to bed." "No, not yet. I still have to translate some sentences on Tatoeba."
    "親愛的, 上床吧。" "不, 還不行。我在Tatoeba上還必須翻譯一些句子。"
  4. Add the honey, lemon juice, chopped almonds and the chopped apples.
  5. Honey, I can explain.
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